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Debian/BeagleBone repository

for libpruio and related packages, such as freebasic

At this moment, the packages hosted in this repository are experimental. There are a number of KnownIssues which will need to be resolved, before the packages can be considered to be stable.

There are two repositories, one for "wheezy" and one for newer Debian releases: unstable

For wheezy, add the following lines to your sources.list file

deb http://beagle.tuks.nl/debian wheezy/
deb-src http://beagle.tuks.nl/debian wheezy/

For newer Debian releases, add the following lines to your sources.list file

deb http://beagle.tuks.nl/debian jessie/
deb-src http://beagle.tuks.nl/debian jessie/

You might also want the security keyring. Get it:

     wget -qO - http://beagle.tuks.nl/debian/pubring.gpg | sudo apt-key add -

Contributors can check the ContributorsManual for instructions how to build & upload debian packages.